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    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 13:50

    Do not use NuvaRing if you smoke cigarettes and are over age 35. Smoking increases your risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems from combination hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) including heart attack, blood clots, or stroke which can be fatal. This risk increases with age and the number of cigarettes smoked. The use of a CHC, like NuvaRing, is associated with increased risks of several serious side effects, including blood clots, stroke, or heart attack. NuvaRing is not for women with a history of these conditions or any condition that makes your blood more likely to clot. The risk of getting blood clots may be greater with the type of progestin in NuvaRing than with some other progestins in certain low-dose birth control pills.

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    .Ethinylestradiol/etonogestrel, sold under the brand names NuvaRing among others, is a used for and to improve. It contains, an, and, a. It is used by insertion into the. Occurs in about 0.3% of women with perfect use and 9% of women with typical use.Common side effects include, nausea, sore breasts, mood changes, and headache.

    Rare but serious side effects may include,. Use is not recommended in those who both and are over the age of 35. While use in is not recommended, such use has not been found to be harmful to the baby.

    Use during is typically not recommended as it may decrease the milk supply. It mainly works by decreasing thereby stopping.The combination was approved for medical use in the United States in 2001. It is available as a in the United Kingdom. A month supply there costs the about £29.70 as of 2019. In the United States the wholesale cost of this amount is about US$468.78.

    In 2016 it was the 214 most prescribed medication in the United States with more than 2 million prescriptions. Were filed in the US against alleging it concealed health risks associated with the product. These were settled for $100 million in 2014. Contents.Medical use The ring is placed into the for a three-week period, then removal of the ring for one week, during which the user will experience a. The break week is comparable to the week for ('the Pill'), and the birth control effect is maintained during this period. (seven-week, quarterly, or annual) involving back-to-back use of (2, 4, or 17) rings have been studied in clinical trials, but are not currently approved.Insertion of the ring is comparable to insertion of other. The muscles of the vagina keep NuvaRing securely in place, even during exercise or sex.

    Women can check the birth control ring periodically with their finger. In rare instances, NuvaRing may fall out during sexual intercourse, while straining before or during a bowel movement, or while removing a tampon.In the case of accidental expulsion, the manufacturer recommends rinsing the ring with lukewarm water before reinserting. If not done correctly, the risk of pregnancy is increased. Birth control efficacy is reduced if the ring is removed, accidentally expelled, or left outside of the vagina for more than three hours. If left outside of the vagina for more than three hours, the device is to be rinsed and reinserted immediately. If this occurs, the manufacturer recommends that a backup method of birth control be used until the ring has been used continuously for a subsequent seven days. Benefits The benefits of the ring include:.

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    once-a-month self-administered use offering convenience, ease of use and privacy (most users and most partners do not feel the ring, and of those who do, most do not object to it). lower estrogen exposure than with combined oral contraceptive pills or the Ortho Evra.

    a low incidence of estrogenic side effects such as and. a low incidence of despite its lower estrogen doseContraindications The contraceptive vaginal ring is for a of.

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    This is because it contains the hormone etonogestrel, the active of the desogestrel. It is a third-generation contraceptive.A study in the, with over 1.6 million women, found that users of vaginal rings with ethinylestradiol and etonogestrel have a 6.5 times increased risk of venous thrombosis compared to non-users. Epidemiological studies have shown that oral contraceptives that contain desogestrel can increase the risk of blood clots (venous thrombosis) by 1.5 to 2.4 times the risk of second-generation oral contraceptives. Second-generation oral contraceptives do not contain.

    Hormones are released continuously from NuvaRing, thus peak and total estrogen and progestin doses are lower than with, but what effect this has on the risk of blood clots has not been established.NuvaRing also has the contraindications associated with combined oral contraceptives, such as. These risks have been shown to be much greater if combined with other risk factors such as, recent surgery, a history of, or women over 40 years old.NuvaRing should not be used while. The may pass to the baby through the milk, and it may decrease milk production.

    Side effects. Steroidal:. (e.g., and, and, many others; via estrogenic metabolites). Nonsteroidal:.

    Unknown/unsorted:. Xenoestrogens: -related (e.g., ). (e.g., ). (e.g., ). (incl., ).

    (e.g., ). (e.g., ). (e.g., ). (e.g., , ). (e.g., ). (e.g., ).like (e.g., ). (e.g., ).

    (e.g., (e.g., ), ). Others (e.g., )Mixed. Progesterone derivatives:. Retroprogesterone derivatives:. 17α-Substituted progesterone derivatives:. 19-Norprogesterone derivatives:.

    Testosterone derivatives: Progestins:. (e.g., ). (e.g., ).; Anabolic–androgenic steroids:. (e.g., ).

    (e.g., ). Spirolactone derivatives:. Nonsteroidal:. Unknown:.Mixed.

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